UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School

UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School


Work for something even bigger than success.

At UNC Kenan-Flagler you learn to lead for a better world. Our values-driven culture, commitment to real-world learning experiences, and deep expertise with today’s increasingly unpredictable business dynamics ready you for long-term career success.

Pros - collaborative student body, engaged faculty, great alumni network Cons - not a core school for some employers, but enough employers come to campus, so it is not a major issue. Read more on OnlineU

Maria Grimshaw

The MBA program at UNC has many talented students from around the world. One of the greatest benefits of being a student here is the ability to learn from so many intelligent classmates. Read more on OnlineU

Brett Berry

The number one reason you are considering going to business school is to improve your career situation, get a better job, move industries maybe even move to another country. If so, Kenan Flagler is not the school for you. Career services have issues with retaining talent, which means that the people who are supposed to help the most are inexperienced. The same is true for the administration, for example, the director of the MBA program is new, the head of career services just quit after a year in her role, her predecessor had similar time in the program. Career professionals for consulting and investment banking are also new. Read more on gmatclub


Kenan Flagler easily surpassed my expectations in terms of obtaining a great education in a warm, welcoming setting. The real differentiator for K-F is the people. I made some great connections with great people, and had a lot of fun doing so. If I had to offer some constructive feedback, I’d recommend that KF tighten up their admissions a bit. The disparity in talent across the class was pretty apparent throughout the term, and sometimes made me feel like they weren’t building the brand that I want Kenan Flagler to have. Of course this is just my opinion. In terms of great people though, Kenan Flagler is unsurpassed. Read more on gmatclub


The most important thing about UNC Kenan-Flagler is the tight community. The fact that the school is located at a place lie Chapel Hill, a college town that is all about the university, creates this small community because everyone is coming to this experience and doesn't have any other friends or occupancies in town. The university as a whole also presents many opportunities, but you have to pursue them as the business school is a bit isolated from the rest of the campus, and feels like a "bubble" sometimes. Read more on gmatclub


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North Carolina